Safe Shopping - About Polish Police

Safe Shopping

Safe Shopping

Shopping frenzy is a perfect opportunity for thieves to rob us. Emotions accompanying shopping effectively reduce our vigilance. This applies not only to shopping in shopping malls but also on the Internet. Below you will find some simple tips, which if followed can protect you not only from losing money but also unnecessary stress and a visit to the police station.

  • Be especially vigilant in places with large concentrations of people (public transport, stores, railway stations and the like).
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash with you in one place.  Keeping it in different places will reduce the risk of losing it all as a result of theft.
  • When shopping and making payments do not showopenly the contents of your wallet.
  • It is best to carry as much cash as you want to spend on shopping.
  • Never write down the PIN number on your payment card.
  • When using a PIN number do it discreetly.
  • Never put your wallet in your back pocket while shopping.
  • Keep an eye on your shopping bags. Never leave them out of sight.
  • If you take your wallet out of your bag or backpack, remember to zip it up each time afterwards. It is better to keep your purse or backpack with the fastening facing you.
  • Remember that you should always keep your house keys separately from any documents containing your address details. This will minimize the risk of theft in your apartment.
  • Pay special attention to your children while shopping. If they get lost, report it immediately to the facility staff.
  • When shopping online, be especially vigilant when you see special deals or great price offers.
  • Always check the credibility of the seller - opinions of other users, the history of its sales.
  • Try to choose the payment option after the delivery.
  • When you receive an offer via email, do not click on the link but type the name of the website into your browser. This will protect you from being redirected to a page pretending to be the seller's original site.
  • Do not buy if the price is too low.
  • Keep all correspondence with the seller.
  • When paying online and being redirected to the bank's website, pay attention to everything that may raise your doubts.
  • Make payments using trusted devices and never do it in public places.
  • Never reveal the PIN number of your payment card or any passwords.
  • Beware of messages saying that you have to pay extra for delivery.


Remember - common sense is the most important thing!

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