Coronavirus Info - About Polish Police

Coronavirus Info

Coronavirus Info

The website contains basic information on the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic in Poland. Keep up to date with the following developments:

  • Sanitary rules limiting the risk of both infection and spread of SARS-COV-2 virus,
  • Procedure in case of suspected coronavirus infection,
  • Basic restrictions/limitations related to the epidemic situation in the country,
  • Sanctions for non-compliance with procedures,
  • Up-to-date information on the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland,

* This information was compiled on the basis of the content available at:

1. Sanitary rules limiting the risk of both infection and spread of SARS-COV-2 virus

The risk of contracting coronavirus can be lowered.

Wash your hands often

Remember to wash your hands often using soap. If it is impossible, disinfect them with alcohol-based (at least 60%) liquids/gels. The virus can be transferred from infected surfaces onto the hands, so you may lower the risk of infection by washing your hands often. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

Keep safe distance

Keep at least 1 – 1.5 meter distance from a coughing, sneezing or feverish person. Avoid big gatherings.

Protect others if you yourself cough or sneeze

If you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue and immediately dispose of it into a securely closed dustbin. Wash your hands with water and soap or disinfect them with alcohol-based (at least 60%) liquids. Covering your mouth and nose as you cough and sneeze prevents germs, including viruses, from spreading.

Regularly wash and disinfect high touch surfaces

Use water and/or detergents to clean and disinfect surfaces often touched by many people, such as desks, counters and tables, door-handles, switches and handrails. All areas and surfaces often used by household members should be carefully disinfected. Remember that microbes collect easily on mobile phones. Regularly disinfect your mobile phone (e.g. with wet wipes soaked with a disinfectant). Do not put a mobile phone on the table and do not use it as you eat.

2. Procedure in case of suspected coronavirus infection

There are three situations in which there is a higher risk of COVID-19 infection: within the last 14 days you have travelled to areas where the virus is spreading, you have had close contact with someone infected with COVID-19, you are coughing, have a fever and breathing difficulties. If any of these is true for you, you should immediately call a sanitary-epidemiological station or go to an infectious disease or observation and infectious disease ward whose staff will decide on a further medical procedure. When in doubt or if you do not know what to do, call a 24-hour helpline: 800 190 590.

3. Basic restrictions/limitations related to the epidemic situation in the country

The obligation to maintain a minimum social distance of 1.5 metres between pedestrians.

This obligation does not apply to:

  • parents with children requiring special assistance (up to 13 years old),
  • persons who live together or run a shared household,
  • disabled persons, unable to move unassisted, persons with special educational needs and their caregivers,
  • people who cover their mouth and nose.

Applicable as of: 25 July.


The obligation consists in: wearing protective masks or any other kind of covering up of the mouth and nose when it is not possible to keep safe 1,5 m distance from the others.

How to comply? You have to cover your mouth and nose in an open space when it is not possible to keep the safe social distancing of 1.5 meters away from others, as well as in an enclosed space - e.g. in stores, means of public transport, etc.

You are still required to wear the mask, inter alia:

  • on the bus, tram and train,
  • in a passenger car if you travel with someone you normally do not live with,
  • in a store, a shopping mall, a bank, a market and a post office,
  • at the cinema and the theatre,
  • at the doctor's, the clinic, the hospital, in  a massage and tattoo parlor,
  • in church and school, at the university
  • at the office (if you go there for business) and other public utility facilities.

Exceptions. Where do you not have to cover your mouth and nose?

  • in a restaurant or bar - when you take a seat at the table and eat or drink,
  • at work - if you are not in contact with individuals from outside (e.g. when dealing with customers and/or visitors),
  • while walking in the woods,
  • when eating or drinking after taking a seat on a train subject to compulsory reservation, including meals and drinks provided on board the train (WARS coach).

Applicable until: further notice.

Please notice! Covering your mouth and nose in public places is mandatory. This obligation does not apply to persons who cannot cover their mouths or nose due to the following reasons:

  • general developmental disorders, mental disorders, moderate, severe or profound intellectual impairment,
  • difficulty in covering or uncovering the mouth or nose on their own.


The limitation applies to: travelling by public means of public transport.

How to comply? Public transport managers may increase the passenger limit on public transport. How many passengers may go on board?

In a given means of transport, the following number of passengers may be carried on board at the same time:

  • 50% of the total number of seats, or 30% of the total number of seats and standing places, with at least half of the seats to remain vacant,
  • 100% of the total number of seats, or 50% of the total number of seats and standing places, with at least half of the seats to remain vacant.

Applicable until: further notice. 


What is it about?

  • In the counties where the infection growth rate is higher than in the remaining parts of Poland - in addition to the generally applicable rules - additional restrictions are introduced, which include the obligation to wear masks as well as limitations concerning the organisation of fairs and congresses, sports and cultural events, catering services, health resorts, wedding receptions, transport.
  • The counties covered by the additional restrictions are divided into two areas: yellow and red - with a different extent of restrictions.
  • In the counties that are assigned to the green area, the existing safety rules shall apply.

For current information on areas with additional restrictions, click on the link.

4. Sanctions for non-compliance with procedures

  • Police patrols visit individuals in quarantine and check whether they remain in their place of residence. The regulations provide for the possibility to impose a financial penalty of up to PLN 30 thousand on those who do not comply with the quarantine obligation. The decision on the exact amount of the penalty is always individual.
  • Those who do not comply with the safety requirements related to the pandemic may be subject not only to caution, but also a fine of PLN 500. If you refuse to take in the ticket, the case will be taken to court. Not only the customer, but also the shop owner can be punished, as it is their responsibility to enforce the restrictions.

5. Up-to-date information on the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland

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