For Foreigners - About Polish Police

For Foreigners

For Foreigners

Ensuring security is the common denominator of all police operations around the world. In each country, law enforcement agencies carry out their mission by fighting various forms of crime using the methods and means at their disposal. In every police officer's DNA - regardless of the colour of his or her uniform - there is a deeply rooted need and drive to help those who expect and need it.

However, this does not mean that we do not differ from each other, and not only in terms of the uniform or the markings on police vehicles. What is much more important are the differences resulting from cultural differences, customs and the diversity of legal systems. While crossing national borders, the amount of a traffic ticket may be surprising, as may be a police officer's warning or admonition for a behaviour that is legal in another country.

Therefore, when going abroad, it is worthwhile to have basic information that can save us from potential problems. With this in mind, we have launched the FOR FOREIGNERS tab, where you will find the following information:

  • emergency telephone numbers,
  • traffic rules,
  • a collection of advice on personal safety,
  • what to do if you are a witness or victim of a crime,
  • where and how to report a crime.

Our intention is that everyone should feel safe in Poland and the police uniform should inspire trust and positive connotations. The slogan "We help and protect" is the motto of the Polish Police, embracing all people living in our country. Regardless of the place of origin, skin colour, language used or worldview presented.

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