NPHQ accessibility

Police Headquarters accessibility information for people with disabilities

You can access the building of the National Police Headquarters through the main gate via the courtyard.

On the right there is a sentry box. Security guards will guide you to the main entrance to the National Police HQ building. There are stairs leading to the main entrance door of the building, the beginning and end of which is marked with a contrastive color. The elevator for persons with disabilities, including wheelchair users, is situated on the right side of the stairs leading to the main entrance. The disabled asistance button is placed on the right side of the main door.

The reception desk and access control point is located in the main hall. The reception desk is on the left side of the entrance and is marked with a “BIURO PRZEPUSTEK” sign. Two telephones are located on the left side of the entrance as well, including one placed at a height suitable for wheelchair users. Both telephones can be used to call a Police officer or an employee of the National Police HQ.

Visitors are not allowed to move around on their own inside the building. Each visitor is picked up from the reception desk and accompanied throughout their stay inside the building by a Police officer or an employee of the National Police HQ (a handler of the visiting person).

Visitors are not allowed to move around on their own inside the National Police HQ building. Each visitor is picked up from the reception desk and accompanied inside the building by a Police officer or an employee of the National Police HQ (a supervising person). Turnstiles are placed at the reception desk to prevent unauthorized access to the building, a personal access card is required to pass through the turnstiles.

Beyond the turnstiles there are stairs which are marked with a contrasting color. There is a stair ramp next to the stairs to allow access for persons with disabilities.

Visitors can use the visitor rooms located on the right side of the reception desk. The access to visitor rooms meets the needs of wheel-chair users.

The elevator located in the building meets the needs of persons with disabilities. All floors inside the building are appropriately marked.

The open-access restroom is located on the ground floor, on the left side of the entrance. The restroom does not accommodate wheel-chair users.

In front of the building, at Broniwoja Street there are 3 parking lots designated for persons with disabilities.

Assistance dogs and guide dogs are allowed on the premises and in all rooms of the building.

The building is not fitted with audio induction loops.

There are no devices for acoustic support of orientation for visually impaired or blind persons on the premises.

There are no Braille signs inside the building.

A sign-language translator is available in compliance with the provisions of the Act on Sign Language and Other Means of Communication. To learn more about a free sign language translator service, please click on the sign language tab on the BIP KGP website.

The reception desk offers an on-line Polish sign language translator service.  

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